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Pierre Bourgeois
Brand Manager et Strategic Planner 

Expertise en Stratégie de Marque acquise

au planning stratégique de grands groupes

de communication

(Havas, Publicis, Ogilvy, DDB, JWT...)

et au contact de grandes marques.

Professeur grandes écoles :

en Brand Management, Planning Stratégique

et Content Marketing


de "The Brand Dynamics",

Promoteur de l'intégration du Product Content

dans le cadre d'une stratégie de Content Marketing 

Pierre Bourgeois, Founder of Planningstrat-station, Brand Manager, and Strategic Planner

Pierre Bourgeois is an expert in brand strategy, having gained extensive experience within the strategic planning departments of major communication groups such as Havas, Publicis, Ogilvy, DDB, and JWT. His expertise has developed through working with major brands, allowing him to master the intricacies of branding. Pierre Bourgeois, a recognized expert in the field, significantly contributes to the evolution of thought and practices in "Brand Dynamics©," of which he is the author. As a professor in leading schools and universities, Pierre Bourgeois teaches Brand Management, Strategic Planning, and Content Marketing. Author of "The Brand Dynamics," he has been promoting the integration of "Product Content" into Content Marketing strategies since 2014, offering an innovative and effective framework for brand management.


Chantal Garnier
Votre partenaire Marketing intelligence & Content Marketing
du Futur Of Work

Expertise en Marketing Intelligence et Content Marketing, principalement acquise dans des environnements BtoB

liés à l'innovation 

(Microsoft, EIT Digital, Orange, Les Mardis de l'Innovation...).

​​Spécialisée dans le domaine

du futur du travail

Chantal Garnier anime une chronique

« Innovation & Future Of Work » dans l'émission WebTV  WorkWell&Vous d'ANews WorkWell. 

©2018 by PlanningStrat-Station

PlanningStrat-Station™/ Brand Dynamics™/ Méthode de la Brand Dynamics©
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